Bonnie Z - About Me

Bonnie Z - About Me

Hello there!


So if you're reading this then you're probably wanting to know a little bit more about myself :)


Well let me say thank you for taking some time out of your day to do so!


I am married, I'm a Mother, my Daughter Lily is 4 and my Son Sebastian is 2. we have 2 dogs, a Blue Heeler called Bluey and a Red Heeler called Bingo!

I am 31 years old and have loved Pokemon ever since I can remember! 

My fondest memories of Pokemon is waking up in the morning here in Australia and watching a TV program for kids in the morning before school called Cheeze TV! Every morning was Sailor Moon, DBZ, Pokemon and Digimon! Pokemon was my absolute favourite followed by DBZ and Sailor Moon was a good 3rd place to watch back on the weekend! (mum would record them for me on the VCR lol) anyway my love for the franchise has not stopped growing!


almost 30 years later and here we are! I'm running a business built around my hobby and passion! I absolutely love sharing my energy and passion with you and I hope to continue to do so long into the future!


Thank you for reading this and be safe


Much Love


~ Bonnie Z

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