Sa'Rokaar and Alinor's Back Stories for Elder Scrolls Online Necrom Arcanist Class

Sa'Rokaar and Alinor's Back Stories for Elder Scrolls Online Necrom Arcanist Class

Backstory of Sa'Rokaar, Khajiit

Rokaar was born to merchants, happily working the docks of Senchal through his youth, but he always felt there was more to life. When the New Moon Acolytes came recruiting, he jumped at the chance to be part of something important, something bigger, to make the world see that there was more to this life. He studied and practiced, and found he had a natural ability with these strange Aeon Stones and the runes he was taught. He made friends with a young Dunmer girl, Loliah, who was on a similar journey to find a purpose. Together they shared what they learned with their peers, finding purpose in helping others find theirs.

As Kaalgrontiid’s day of ascension grew closer, so did his concerns. Rumors of the return of the Dragonguard spread through hushed whispers, of battles across Southern Elsweyr, of champions and prophecies fulfilled. Even though the dragons were vast and powerful, and he'd learned so much from the dragon's followers, Laatvulon had seemed uninterested in their fate, almost disdainful, and now this new dragon, Kaalgrontiid, was a tyrant. He tried to talk to his friend but she dismissed him and called for his faith in the process. The word faith sat uneasily in his mind, but he accepted it for the sake of their friendship.

After days of placing and aligning massive Aeon Stones, the call rang out, the ceremony must be performed now, and there was no more time to wait. Rokaar quickly made his way to his well-practiced position. Passing him in the corridors were dozens of acolytes, joy, and anticipation written across their faces.

As he entered the vast open ritual room, before he could even turn to acknowledge Loliah at her position only a few paces to his left, his attention was pulled to the green dragon as it landed at the apex of the structure. Tail wrapping around the massive pillars, Kaalgrontiid’s head raised and his roar made every cell in his body vibrate in answer, forcing synchronicity.

He turned his head, not sure why he felt unease, to see Loliah, hands outstretched, eyes closed, face raised in rapture. The crystal behind her flickered oddly, and he saw it was out of alignment by the smallest degree, small enough to be missed during installation, but enough to interfere with the channeling.

He hurriedly ducked down behind the massive green crystal, put his shoulder to a ridge, and pushed until the lovingly carved runes snapped together, making a sound like a thousand tinkling shards suddenly forming an impossible booming knife that was cutting through time and space itself. His satisfaction was fleeting, as the unnatural green-yellow light filled the cavernous space he saw them all at once; the old man in the center of the room, slamming his staff down defiantly as a pulsing force field enveloped him in a sphere, the figures running from the viewing balcony as the guards fell behind them, their red and bronze armor unmistakable. He reached up to grab Loliah's shoulder, but before the words 'the Dragonguard are here!' could form in his mind, his hand returned with nothing but ash. He could do nothing but stare at his paw, betrayed by the sight of the fine grey dust disappearing between his fingers, his mind only vaguely aware as the universe around was shattered and reformed under the will of the enormous dragon. The world broke, his mind broke, and all he could do was run.

When he finally regained focus, he could still hear the now distant roar of the dragon, no, two dragons, and the faint sound of Khajiit shouting and the clang of steel. The fur on his face was wet, but he couldn't remember crying. He didn't think could cry if he tried, he just felt empty, and the emptiness was wrapped around a single, defiant statement: There must be more than this!

He wasn't sure if he was running from or running to, but he found himself on the trade ships he had once done business with a lifetime ago. Learning to fight, fighting to learn, and looking for a purpose again. It was on the island of High Isle that he got some respite. House Mornard had a good-sized militia, and they cared for loyalty more than race. He introduced himself as Sa'Rokaar, hoping to convince himself of the adult title as much as the soldiers he found himself with.

The Bretons had many accomplished mages among them, and he soon found he spent more time learning from them than training with the martial guard. He even volunteered for the regular assignment to trade with the local Druids. He enjoyed learning the Druid’s customs although he found their reliance on faith left him on edge. He didn't want faith, he wanted answers.

It was the night he was invited to sit at Sir Stefan's table that he knew it was time to confront his ghost. He'd always respected Sir Stefan and saw in him the kind of leader he'd like to be one day. Sir Stefan must have sensed it, and in a quiet moment said to Sa’Rokaar 'to be the person we want to be, we need to accept our past. You wear loss like a cloak, seeking knowledge to outrun it. You will never find the answers you seek while you carry that burden.

Sa'Rokaar asked for the release of duty the very next morning, packed the small pouch of ash that was his constant companion, and set off for Necrom where Loliah had said her family and ancestors had been interred for generations. He would see her return home, he would ask her family to forgive her, to forgive him, he would lay this burden to rest and perhaps, perhaps finally get some answers....


Backstory of Alinor, Bosmer

Alinor, or Ali as her friends call her is the direct descendent of the first king of the bosmer, King Eplear from the first era. Or so her family tell her. Always the same with the bosmer families. Everyone squabbling over who's descend from who. Ali is a young elf. Her family are considered noble but strange as they have always welcomed in outsiders to Valenwood, especially their cousins the Altmer and Dunmer. Even more unusual they have on occasion welcomed Khajiit merchants. Well... Her mother does... Her father protests to such things as he is a big politician treethane.

The Bosmer have a distrust of anything that involves lies and deceat as they are an open and honest race. The Khajiit are very good at keeping secrets but are friendly enough. Ali has always been taught to never turn your back on a Khajiit but be kind. Don't back them into a corner when you speak to them but mind how much information you give. They are fierce friends however once you gain their trust. Ali doesn't really understand the full meaning. She would often roll her eyes when her mother gave her one of these life lessons.

Being the daughter of a prestigious father she has been forced to go to finishing school and wear the finest clothes but she certainly did not enjoy it.. She is also intended to marry before she comes of age and that idea does not sit well with her. She sees her father as a politician who is never home. Nothing more. And her mum is left to pick up the pieces. Ali has a brother but we never see him anymore. He came of age and left home immediately to escape the political life of the treethanes. Ali's father was never the same after his eldest son betrayed the family like that. The worst part is Ali wants nothing more than to follow her brother. She knows she is different to the others in her generation. She has a gift that she knows is not normal. She believes she has been gifted by Y'frre to be the most powerful Green Lady. But her people will never understand this power. She knows they will fear it. As she is getting older and her powers are growing she is finding it more difficult to control them and people are starting to whisper. Her unusual speed during hunts with her father and the treethanes. She needs to escape to come back with an understanding of what her power actually is? She needs to do this now before her parents find out and be treated as an outcast for the rest of her life.

She decides that she needs to head to Morrowind. To her families oldest connection. Her cousin in Necrom will have answers, after all she has power of her own and has been trained how to use them. Yes that's what she'll do. She will leave a note for her mother before the sun rises and head to Necrom to speak to her cousin Loliah. Ali just hopes she is home as she is always off on some sort of mission she can never discuss.

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